First Signs of Summer


Nature Journal, drawing utensils of choice, and a nature walk


In early summer go on a walk in one of your nature study areas and ask the children to look for the first signs of summer. The earth is lively with many things to observe as temperatures heat up. Have them record their observations in their nature journal. Ask them how they know when it changes from spring to summer?


Ask them what things make them think of summer before sending them on a search. Giving small suggestions if they are unsure of what to look for.


Challenge them to write down three questions about the changing of the seasons in their journal entry.

Take it Further:

Do a mini-lesson on seasons and talk about how they gradually fade into each other and how it is sometimes hard to tell when one season changes into another. Talk about the growth of the plant you started on the “signs of spring card” and draw your observations of it in a separate journal entry.