
FREE Animal Tracks Poster by Hatching Curiosity

FREE Animal Tracks Poster by Hatching Curiosity


Nature Journal, writing utensil of choice, a nature walk after freshly fallen snow or on a particularly muddy day.


The day after freshly fallen snow (or on a particularly muddy day) go on a nature walk and look for animal tracks. Have the children sketch the tracks in their nature journals or photograph them and tape their pictures in their nature journals.


Young children will get excited looking for animal tracks help them learn what to look for and differentiate between animal tracks and other indentations.


Older children can learn to start identifying local animals by their tracks and tell you what we can learn about the animal’s size, speed and behavior by observing their tracks.

Take it Further:

Have a mini-lesson on animal tracks and look up the ones you observed to try and identify the animals that walked there before you did. Enjoy the FREE animal tracks poster above (Click on the picture to download it) to help with your identification. Kids also really enjoy the take-along guide tracks, skat, and signs.