Seed Dispersal

Seed dispersal.png


Nature Journal, writing utensil of choice, a nature area with a variety of plant types


In late summer go to a garden, field of wild grasses, or wooded area and go on a seed hunt. Gather as many different types of seeds as you can. Draw a picture of one of the seeds and the tree, grass, or fruit it came from.


If young children like to keep collections then gather up the seeds in a jar for them to observe more later. Or have them tape the seeds into their nature journals.


Have the older children take notice of the casing the seeds were found in and look for clues to how it is dispersed.

Take it Further:

Talk to the kids about the many ways seeds are spread in nature then ask them to think of examples of each dispersal method they discovered on their nature walk or at other times. One of my FAVORITE nature study authors created a beautiful book about seeds and their dispersal. It is called “A Seed is Sleepy” by Diana Hutts Ason and Sylvia Long. Flip, Float, Fly is another darling book that is a gentle introduction to seed dispersal and for a more hands-on approach check out the Seed Bundle by HoneyComb Cabin.

Seed Bundle by HoneyComb Cabin

Seed Bundle by HoneyComb Cabin