Butterfly Resources

Your one-stop-shop for all things butterfly!

I am so stinking excited about my updated butterfly unit and thought you’d appreciate a post with links to all the documentaries, books, and tools mentioned in it (as well as several new ones as I come across them).

If you haven’t already, check out my new butterfly unit. Available now with all the goodies you need to do the activities Here at the shop or pick up a digital version on Teachers pay teachers By clicking the butterfly link here or the button below.

If you arrived at this site after purchasing the unit, Thank you! Please have a look around for any tools you may find helpful.

AND just to show some love for visiting my blog enjoy the butterfly nature journaling pages free. Just click the button below for a free pdf with two versions of the butterfly nature journal pages.


Raise caterpillars at home

The first thing you’ll need when doing a butterfly study is some caterpillars to raise. I have ordered from insect lore before and had a great experience. I also love that you can fold down the butterfly enclosure when you are not using it and just reorder caterpillars next time. The care is very easy and so exciting for the kids.

Tools for Nature Study Observations

The next thing you’ll need for a butterfly study is a nature journal and some tools for catching butterflies. I just use our butterfly enclosure when it’s not in use to hold butterflies we catch and always release before we head home. If you bought my butterfly unit the nature journaling pages are included in the set. If not grab a nature journal and butterfly net below and head outside.

Nature Journal

Books! A treasure trove of buttefly books.

See descriptions below.

I don’t care how old you are a book like this is a butterfly classic and so perfect for the preschool/kindergarten crowd. It just so happens to be my 3 year olds obsession right now too. Make sure when you are reading it though to correct the word “Cocoon” to “Chrysalis” since moths have cocoons and butterflies have Chrysalises.

This book is breath taking! Honestly just incredible art. It has a calm cadence that really brings out the beauty of nature while also teaching important butterfly principles.

An accessible trail guide for little ones identifies common butterflies, moths and other insects. It is think and light but has wonderful illustrations and tons of information.

For the budding entimologist this book is perfect. It has every butterfly you can think of as well has a full text book of information on studying butterflies.


Wings of Life

Free on Disney + or you can rent it on Amazon Prime for $3.99 as of 4/24/20. Link above.

By far the best documentary on this list. You really can’t beat disney nature. This one focuses on Pollination so you’ll see butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, and bats as well as the evolutionary history of plants. It’s much broader than butterflies but still gives a really beautiful view into their world.

Flight of the Butterflies

You can rent it on Amazon prime for $3.99 as of 4/24/20. Link above.

This documentary follows the research of a man who has studied Monarch butterflies for 40 years and ends with a spectacular display in Mexico. It is really facinating for older children and adults. With beautiful story telling.

Story of the Butterfly

Free on Amazon Prime as of 4/24/20. Link above.

This documentary gives really neat upclose and microscopic views of the anatomy and life cycle of a butterfly. It is a little older (you can tell from the graphics and film quality) but It held the attention of my youngest children the best. Very much like the science documentaries we remember from our elementary school years. Complete with the english accent from the narrator.