Digital South America Unit

Digital South America Unit
This is a digital version of the South America Unit, no physical product will be shipped to you.
Welcome to the South American global adventure! If you are looking for a holistic approach to geography that looks at the world through the lens of science, compassion, and wonder then this is the curriculum for you.
Included in this unit:
Teacher’s Guide with 28 lessons
Student book with printable activities
Printable Plant & Animal game cards for South America
Explore the Andes, Amazon, Pantanal, and Patagonia through living books and hands-on activities such as making your own pan flute, cooking empanadas, salsa dancing, making line art, and taste testing the stages of chocolate production, and more! There is map work and memory songs. The kids will go on an interactive jungle expedition where they will need to use teamwork and critical thinking to overcome challenges. They will write their own adventure story, make a plan to help save the rainforests, and do animal reports. Every lesson is carefully designed to cultivate curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking.
This curriculum is designed for 1st-5th graders but the lessons have adaptations you can use to adjust for their ability level. For example, in the story writing activity, there are options to narrate a short story or work through the hero’s journey and flesh out a more detailed written account.
If you get through all of the continent studies by Hatching Curiosity, you will have completed a full year of biology and a full year of earth science making this geography unit the perfect 2-in-1 curriculum!