Calendar of Firsts



Nature Journal, drawing utensils of choice


When you notice something for the first time that year like daffodils peeking up through the snow, the first ripe raspberry, first robin of spring, or first frost flip to the back of your nature journal where each page has a month and write down the date of your observation. This is a really fun place to look in future years to see what you can look forward to in April or September.


When young children notice things for the first time say “I want to record that in my nature journal!” and they will naturally follow your lead.


Make it a game with older kids to see who can notice the “firsts” first.

Take it Further:

Do a mini-lesson on the life cycle of flowers and ask children when the bulb “knows” to pop out of the ground? Talk about the rhythms of nature and signs plants and animals use.

For more nature journaling activities click here