

Nature Journal, writing utensil of choice, a snowy day with large dry flakes, black pieces of paper


On a day with large dry snowflakes catch snowflakes on a black sheet of paper and observe them quickly before they melt. Use a magnifying glass or careful quick observations. Draw what you saw in your nature journal.


Have the younger children notice that each flake has its own shape.


Have older children look for patterns in their shapes and research why snowflakes look the way they do.

Take it Further:

Have a mini-lesson on snowflakes. One great book is called “Snowflake Bentley” about a man who learned to photograph snowflakes it goes great with the book “Curious about Snow” which teaches you how snowflakes are formed. Have fun! Make paper snowflakes to hang in your house and maybe enjoy this winter weather unit by raising up wild things.

Winter Weather Unit by Raising Up Wildthings

Winter Weather Unit by Raising Up Wildthings