


Nature Journal, writing utensil of choice, glass jar, soil, and a banana peel


Layer soil, slices of pepper or other organic food waste, soil, paper clippings, soil and grass clippings in a glass jar and set it on the counter to observe for the next few weeks. Record your observations in your nature journal in the “observations over time section”. Labeling the top “Decomposition” and writing the dates in the small rectangles beneath it. See this video on how to make your composting jar.


Young kids will love getting their hands dirty but may forget about the project. Help them remember to make an entry every few days of the changes they observe. 


Have older children predict what will happen and why it is happening as they make their observations.

Take it Further:

Do a mini-lesson on decomposition and/or composting. Check out this crash course for kids about decomposers. The MooMooMath & Science Video about types of decomposers or this video showing decomposition on fast forward.